PROPER smart MAG issue 11

Bog read to many, a reference to the masses, roach paper to none, the much awaited issue 11 has arrived on my door mat. Glossier than previous but just as witty and comparative to the micro culture we reside in. Not at the high end of the aesthetically magazine world it stands sturdy footed in its down to earth content. Seeminly put together and written by a click of chaps all on the same page when it comes to being passionate on the unnameable culture centred around clothes, historically originated from the terraces guided by the opinions of the working class British.         


* "Sometimes i argue with my imaginary friend, Mister Bellcheddar, and my wife calls the police. " Ian Hough

* "straight from the off it suggests the outdoors, fishermen, the high seas, field trippin. " Dan Vearnals

*"Now my brothers and sisters, behold the almighty Dessert rain, for our beloved hath returned to earth, sing hosanna and pass the suede protector! AMEN" Proper Mag


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