
For myself and many others who share the same affliction of having, tastes well above there means its a balancing act of self control. My affliction is definitely clothes and more specifically coats. Toggles zips and drawstrings are my wet dreams. Many thrifty purchase has been made on eBay at a ungodly hour under the influence, to have no recollection of such action till the postman rocks up to my door with a pink Ralph Lauren Harrington jacket with detachable hood. Safe to say that never got worn and my bank balance suffered a blow. All considered to stumble upon this gem of a website i was more than pleased. As they put it so elegantly

" It’s a useful platform when searching for the latest steal, or if you’re looking for certain brands and want to find stores who carry them."

fashion stealer is an amazing pool of information on men's clothing and list brands and shops that i personally adhere to but what sets them apart from the rest is that they aren't focused on the latest lines or hip item they are anchored in the purchute of a bargain. Trawling the different shop websites to pass on the links to the best discounts on offer. Example today's post/link was the Iconic Cameraman Jacket by Nigel Cabourn at a whopping 60% discount i suffered as the size wasn't right but none the less someone got a absolute steal.  Not entirely sure this will be a good thing in that ill be spending less or that it will just in the end tempt me to spend more but fuck it i think its a brilliant site and I'm looking forward to the next bargain post the lads unearth. 

have a gander i dare you FASHIONSTEALER

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